Users may encounter error messages such as “Disk full when accessing” or “Not enough space on drive C” when attempting to save or synchronize a model in Revit. These messages indicate that there is not enough space on the disk drive to perform the necessary actions in Autodesk Revit.
To resolve this issue, users should free up space on their computers by deleting unnecessary files. Some files related to Revit can be safely deleted periodically to free up space. These include journal files, temp files, CollaborationCache, and PacCache.
To delete these files, users can navigate to the corresponding folders on their computer and delete the files found there. However, it is important to note that CollaborationCache and PacCache files are related to the local cache memory of models in Revit cloud. As such, after deleting these files, Revit cloud models may take longer to open for the first time, and users should be aware that they are deleting their local cached copy, which may be necessary for other purposes.
Additionally, users may consider redefining the Windows TMP user variable to point to a folder on another drive with more space, if available.
How to fix “Disk full when accessing” or “Not enough space on drive C:” errors:
Below we will see how to technically solve this problem:
The following messages appear when saving or synchronizing a model in Revit.
Access failed due to insufficient disk space.
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Autodesk Revit<filename>.rvt
Drive C: does not have enough space to generate the temporary files required for Revit. To solve this problem, free up space on the drive or redefine the Windows TMP user variable to a folder on another drive with more available space.
Insufficient disk space prevents the use of Revit to work with models.
To resolve the issue, please refer to the following guidelines for freeing up storage space:
Please note that creating additional space on your computer is beyond the scope of support provided by Autodesk technical support.
You may choose to periodically delete certain files related to Revit. Here are the details:
- Journal files: file path is located at C:%username%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit <version>.
- Temporary files: with all Autodesk software closed, navigate to the temporary folder (type %TEMP% in the Windows File Explorer and press Enter), then delete as many files as possible.
- CollaborationCache files: delete files from the CollaborationCache folder at C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 20xx\CollaborationCache.
- PacCache files: delete files located in the PacCache folder at C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\PacCache. Note that the Logs folder cannot be deleted.
Note: Please be aware that deleting CollaborationCache and PacCache files affects the local cache memory of models in the Revit cloud. As a result, the first time you open Revit cloud models after the cache is rebuilt, it may take longer. Additionally, please note that this action will erase your locally cached copy, so it will no longer be available if required for other purposes.
Source: Autodesk Support