Finishline Pro - MicroCAD Training and Consulting

Markup X

Markup X Tools

An Integrated Markup Experience combined with a Powerful Design and Layout Engine. The bundle package combining all the powerful features of both Finishline Exchange and Finishline Automation.

Light weight tool that allows rapid review of markup completion and accuracy.


An integrated markup experience

Markup X Automation

Place Revit elements onto PDFs enabling one click insertion into Revit.

Finishline Automation enables an enhanced technique to add Revit elements to your design and construction deliverables.

Automating and driving efficiency through an easy-to-use tool that simplifies the entire process.


The Bridge between PDF and Design software.

  • Enables non-Revit users to utilize design elements.
  • Instant zoom to markup on sheets.
  • Instant element placement with click of a button.
  • Cross discipline tool for Architects, Engineers, Construction and Owners.
  • Design and layout spaces, systems and buildings with drag and drop functionality.


Automates Revit elements placement into your design software. Your content instantly appears in actionable list view in Revit. Insertion takes seconds rather tan minutes.

Ease of use

Democratizes design process to allow all stakeholders to participate.


Allows all team members to focus on the high value design process. Enabling those without design software experience to enact design enhancements.


Low anual cost per user per year with instant time savings of 3 to 5 minutes per markup. Finishline investment is paid off after 60 markups when used by $60 an hour team member.

Markup X Exchange

Import and overlay PDF markups in AutoCAD and Revit with a click of a button.

Finishline Exchange drives efficiency by providing the AECO industry with an integrated markup experience that revolutionizes the workflow throughout the entire design and construction lifecycle. Whether you’re a smaller firm or a larger organization, this tool facilitates time savings project over project.


The Bridge between PDF and Design software.

  • Enables non-Revit users to utilize design elements.
  • Instant zoom to markup on sheets.
  • Instant element placement with click of a button.
  • Cross discipline tool for Architects, Engineers, Construction and Owners.
  • Design and layout spaces, systems and buildings with drag and drop functionality.


Speeds collaboration and migration of markups into your design software. PDF markups instantly appear in actionable list view in Revit or AutoCAD. Correction takes seconds rather tan minutes.

Reduce liability

Minimize the risks associated with missed markups for your organization. Markups are placed, confidently reviewed and approved.


Allows all team members to focus on the high value design process. Enabling production teams to quickly locate, audit and facilitate design changes.


Low anual cost per user per year with instant time savings of 3 to 5 minutes per markup. Finishline investment is paid off after 60 markups when used by $60 an hour team member.

Markup X Review

Here are some common questions about this product.

  • Never miss a markup.
  • Works with markups/ families/ and system component content.
  • Facilitates rapid review.
  • Peace of mind and ease of use.
  • Risk management
  • Training takes minutes.
  • Low annual cost per user per year.

For additional questions:

  • Quote